The spectrum and horizon of business have been growing a lot in this current world. This growth is not only for financial achievements, but with the rising corporate sector people have started to demand independence. So to gain this sense of independence larger mass has been switching to business. With a well-set up business also comes the security concerns related especially to finances. Therefore, in this blog, we are going to talk about High Risk Merchant, covering its features, account creation, benefits, and other crucial information. Hence, keep reading this article till the very end, as we dive deep into this platform.

An Overview of High Risk Merchant

High Risk Merchant is one the fantastic comprehensive platforms made for making the payment process smoother. This platform has been solely designed for high-risk businesses. The initiative has been taken to understand the unique challenges that high-risk merchants have to face in their work. Therefore, with the help of this age-old company that has been serving its purpose since 1997, it specializes in managing merchant accounts. Apart from this, they have also made sure to provide low rates for customers to keep their business in great condition. In order to avail of these services for yourself all you need to do is visit the official website.

What is a High Risk Merchant Account?

High Risk Merchant

High Risk Merchant is referred to as a business that has a higher-than-average transaction rate. According to this platform, those business accounts have a higher risk of fraud, scams, etc. Furthermore, these accounts also have a greater chance of declining especially from online businesses. Therefore, to safeguard such business these merchant accounts play a crucial role. In the below-given details, we are also going to talk about the ways in which you can set up your account.

Steps to Create High Risk Merchant Account

If you also wish to create your account at High Risk Merchant then you must follow these mentioned steps. By following these mentioned steps you will be able to go through the process seamlessly.

  • You need to open any of your preferred “Browser” on a device of your choice.
  • Upon opening the browser utilize the provided address bar to navigate the Official website high risk merchant
  • As you enter on the main dashboard of the website, you will see the option “ApplyToday”.
  • Tap on the “Apply Today” option from the top right corner of the “Menu dashboard”.
  • On the prompted page,  insert your first name, last name, email address, phone number, and website.
  • After you have entered all these details cross-verify them to avoid any discrepancies.
  • Finally, hit the “Get my Merchant Account” button to complete the account creation process.

Salient Features of High Risk Merchant

High Risk Merchant Comes with plenty of impressive features, we have enlisted some of the outstanding features. With the effective use of these features, you can maximize your user experience.

  • The top feature is that the platform uses ACH Processing and other smart technologies.
  • The user of this platform will get a feature of chargeback Management.
  • You get assured of prevention from any kind of scam and fraud activities.
  • Users of this website also get a golden opportunity to set up their accounts even with bad credit.

Pricing of High Risk Merchant

Before you step ahead to avail the multiple services provided by the site, you must get a brief information on the rates. Therefore, we have inserted a table to guide you through the rates as well as the fees.

Type As LowTransaction FeeMonthly Fee
High Risk2.95%$0.25$9.95
Adult Merchant2.95%$0.50$9.95
Retail Bad Credit(Card Swipe)2.49%$0.25$9.95
Retail Good Credit(Card Swipe)1.79%$0.25$9.95
Internet Bad Credit2.95%$0.25$9.95
Internet Good Credit$0.25$9.95
Phone/Mail Order (Bad Credit)2.95%$0.25$9.95
Phone/Mail Order (Good Credit)2.19%$0.25$9.95

Benefits of High Risk Merchant

When you use this platform you get additional tremendous benefits of High Risk Merchant, the aforementioned are some of the most applauded benefits. Going through this section will acquaint you with all the following benefits.

  • Higher Processing Limits: If your account is termed as high risk, then it definitely means that it has a higher transaction. Therefore unlike traditional Merchant accounts that had low processing limits. At this platform, you get the liberty to process higher transactions.
  • Fraud Protection: With the help of this benefit, you boost your chances of being protected. With the help of this site, you can protect yourself from any fraud and additional chargebacks, that you might have to face.
  • Lower Risk of Account Closure: The account that has high transactions also has the chance of being blocked or closed. But with the high-risk merchant account, you are at lower risk of your account closure.
  • Payment Processing: The high-risk account also has the access to payment processing outlook. With the help of this, you can take both credit and debit card payments smoothly without any hindrance.
  • Enhanced User Experience: This is one of the innate qualities of this account, with the help of which you get access to enhanced user experience. You do not have to worry about any buffering or failures.


If you have been looking for a trustworthy and reliable source for the creation of a high-risk account then High Risk Merchant can be your sign. With the help of the services provided by this website, you can get your account created within a few minutes. Furthermore, for your assistance, we have incorporated each and every single detail that one needs to be familiar with. Hence, utilize the provided information to go through the designated process, and avail of other services freely.

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